Outstanding Women Lawyers 2022 May2022
Whenever we think about the justice system, the most astonishing and recognizable symbol is the statue of the Lady Justice with three distinct features: a blindfold covering her eyes, the scale of justice in her left hand, and a sword in her right hand. The blindfold conveys that the Lady Justice is impartial and fair . The scale of justice weighs the evidence put forth and judges everything based on facts. And the sword represents the authoritative power that Lady Justice holds to pass on her quick and wisdom-full judgements . The statue of the Lady Justice represents the justice system as equal, fair, unbiased, unwavering, impartial, and full of the law of the homeland. The story behind her could be traced backed to ancient Egypt . Where goddess Ma’at idealizes qualities like balance, harmony, law, order and justice; Greece, where Greek goddess Themis represents traits of law, order, and fairness; and goddess Dice (or Dike) embodies moral order and fair judgement. T...