India's Most Prominent EMR/EHR and Medical Billing Solution Providers
Healthcare is a social business. And as a society, after facing our worst nightmare in terms of the coronavirus pandemic, we must improve every facet of this socially necessary industry . This is our current priority and future necessity. One primary facet of this industry is the electronic medical records (EMR)/electronic health records (EHR) and medical billing solution providing sector . Today, barring very remote, rural, and poor semi-urban healthcare institutions, not many healthcare providers maintain medical and healthcare records physically. Similarly, patients’ might be receiving hand-written medicine lists and medical bills only from their private and family physicians. Nowadays, major hospitals and clinics maintain their patients’ medical and healthcare records electronically or digitally. They also hand out their medical bills via computer software. The ‘Digital India’ push also worked wonders in this regard. Since everybody must register on the Aaro...