Importance of English Language in India

English is one of the most important Global language. Most of the international transactions of recent times were concluded in English. The language has contributed significantly in bringing people and their culture closer.

The benefits of learning English can be seen in the economic, social and political life of the people of the country.

Importance of English Language in India’s international affairs:

India’s foreign policy is the focus of attention of all the countries of the world. The whole of the world expects to quench its thirst for peace with this policy. India wants to be friendly with all countries. She has to explain and convince others that her point of views is correct. This cannot be done without an effective medium for the exchange of ideas. English provides us with such a medium.

Importance of English in internal matter:

India is a country in which people living in different parts having their own languages. The regional languages are quite different from one another. Every few kilometres language changes in India. The leaders and the administrators of the country cannot remain in contact with all these regions without a common language. It is not possible for everyone to know ten or fourteen languages.

Importance of English in Technological and Scientific advancement:

Major technological and scientific advancements have been written in English language. This is the age of science. The world is changing at a terrific speed. This is all due to the scientific and technological progress which the other countries have made. If we want to keep pace with these fast moving countries, scientific and technological research, such as amazon aws certification must be made in our own land.

Importance of English for higher studies:

For proper mental development it is essential that we study the best literature. If we want to shed the feeling of false superiority and to broaden our minds, we must be ever-ready to take the best from others. Now, the literatures of other counties and of our own different languages can be easily obtained in English. In our own languages, modern up-to-date literature is not available.

Use of English for Seeking Job:

Even after the completion of their studies, the students of engineering need to have sufficient proficiency in English for getting involved in the process of Job seeking. The vacancies for the jobs are often found announced in English. For understanding the announcements also, they need to possess the capability to perceive what information the vacancy announcements contain.


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